fallout 1, and fallout 2 are amazing games. yes it helps to use the new community engines for modern computers, but its hard to find that level of narrative engagement in any modern games. (fallout new vegas is also excellent)
I maintain that Witcher 1 and 2 are better story rpgs than 3.
Witcher 3 is a beautiful game with lots of strengths, but balance and pacing are completely lost to the open world dynamic.
The Witcher 1 is incredibly painful to play, though. I played through it, but it felt incredibly unbalanced at times and just wasn’t as well designed as the sequels.
I do get that. I played through them in order a few years ago but I’m also an older guy who doesn’t mind old janky games as much.
I actually had to take a couple of months off between 2 and 3 because it was such a jarring transition.
Yeah I was going to post the same. The games themselves were awesome stories, and half the fun was replaying the game and trying to get overpowered as quick as possible, or do a dumb character run or a charismatic pacifist run or whatever.
But yeah, the engine is so janky that I can understand modern gamers being put off.