It’s something that has bothered me since I realised
Or if they don’t have onboard sensors designed to do that then why not do that
Because someone who is unconscious or unable to move isn’t going to be able to call for help
That’s not how the pattern buffer works. It’s extremely unstable. And patterns can neither be copied, nor scanned without destroying a person
That’s just what they want you to think.
Scotty is a genius and he was doing something that had never been done before. Continuously transporting himself to preserve the buffer. Not the same as just keeping a pattern in storage.
Besides, patterns can’t be duplicated by a computer. It’s not like a CD you can copy and burn. It’s more like a vinyl record governed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
He demonstrated it was possible, and once a military knows something is possible they will develop the capability to make it a strategic one.
We’re talking about hypotheticals, in this scenario anyway.