Google is the new IBM::Years of being one-upped on AI and cracking down on innovation turned the poster child for Silicon Valley cool into a dinosaur.
All true. The monetization wasn’t even that bad, it was more so the marketing. Lots of people didn’t know about Stadia or were against it because of the bad launch they had.
I think the service would’ve done far better had Google made some guarantees like “all your purchases will be refunded if we shutdown in the next 10 years” and then ran a new ad campaign for it.
I ended up getting a Stadia Premiere Edition (Controller and a Chromecast Ultra) for £20 down from £70 and tried it for essentially free (Stadia Pro 12 months free).
The got £20 refunded when they wound down - announced 3/4 of the way through my Stadia trial.
So all free and got a long cabled USB-C charger, a newer Chromecast than my old one, which ended up on the 2nd TV, and a controller I can repurpose.