Thought the chick on the right was Ellen. Lol
Community is now open to posting. Posts not having verification info will be removed.
See Hello to Members
Community is a place for sharing images and videos of the youngest-looking, legal-aged (18+) girls. If you like fresh, young starlets from their early career days after reaching legal age, this is the place for you!
OC/Sellers are welcomed here if you can provide age verification, and you consider yourself a (budding) pornstarlet - mods still retain the discretion to remove posts if not in sync with focus of this comm.
Just to be clear: We only feature legal, consenting adults in accordance with U.S. Laws. All models featured were at least 18 years old at the time of filming.
- Girls must be at least 18 years old. No jailbait!
- The title of your submission must include the name or username of the model.
- In a top-level comment or body of post, you must post valid age verification for each model depicted 18 USC 2257 compliant. See Example 1, Example 2
- No spam, clickbait titles please. This does not exclude Onlyfans models, it does exclude discord links and such. Moderator discretion is used if a model selfposts too often
Related to r/FauxBait (as a former mod/poster) and intent to mod this with similar style/rules with model verification explicitly required.
Looking for mods if you want to help bring this community to life
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