Budgets in dollars.
GUMP = 55m approx
Pulp = 8m
Shawshank = 25m
Interview = 60m
Natural Born Killers = 34m
True Lies = 115m
Maverick = 75m
The Mask = 23m
Ace Ventura = 15m
Speed = 30m
The Crow = 23m
Films seem more expensive today regardless of inflation, but I’m all for more mid budget, more varied films coming out again too
Edit: formatting.
Holy shit, Pulp Fiction was done on $8.5 million. That seems absurdly cheap. I honestly figured it would be closer to Ace Venture, cost-wise.
Also The Crow and The Mask having matching budgets surprises me. I always assumed The Mask was a more expensive film given the amount of CG work it needed.
I glossed over True Lies in the original list. Completely missed it.
Obviously that has the highest budget. Probably half of it is just the F16 set piece at the end.
What I’ve learned from this list is that period pieces are way more expensive than I thought.
I assume Interview, Maverick, and Gump are all inflated just due to the historical sets.
Inflation calculator says a 1990 was worth 2.3 times more, so most of those budgets are still tiny.