You’ve completely changed what you were arguing
No. I haven’t. Literally all I did was fix a minor typo I made when it was 4am at night.
And I wasn’t once being fully serious, dumbass. You really think I’d lead an argument with “king finna die soon” and seriously 100% mean anything following? You can’t be serious.
“AnYOnE whO disAgrees witH mE mUSt hAvE socK pUppet aCcouNts”
You’re a really sore loser. you know that right? If I “blatantly have sock puppet accounts” wouldn’t the upvotes and down votes be more consistent? Bruh.
Literally the only other account I have is because de-federates and goes down too much.
You’re just making excuses to try save face now. who’s the freak? The one who backed up with a source, or the one who got butt hurt and started name calling?
Fun little fact for you.
I haven’t even once voted on your comments. Well, except you’re stupid “freak” comment just now, because you’re now just being blatantly rude.
fuckin mental bruv.
You’re cringe and really really sad, I feel sorry for you, getting angry over jokes poking fun at the UK government.
Mate, here’s the best part, if you knew anything, you’d know everyone is talking about the Kings anus atm lol