As a libertarian I can weigh in here.
Things that are legitimate for the government to control include things that affect other people without their consent.
This means it’s valid to require a driver’s license, but not to require a license to practice medicine. But it is valid to require licensure to be an ER worker (treatment happens there without patient consent).
It also means it’s legit to ban scented detergents, given scents are a communal thing.
Interesting take. I do think spread of scents in the environment can be studied.
The practice medicine part of your comment doesn’t make sense to me, as it does affect the community. When you need a doctor you need to differentiate between the ones that have studied science for years and know who the specialists are who can best deal with your medical issue, the “doctors” that import a wide variety of spices to make things that treat symptoms at best, and the hucksters that sell glowy rocks and fragrances that supposedly have magic healing power. Licenses do that.