This is my imposter syndrome.
I’m a senior engineer now and I’m a big mouse user. It’s more intuitive for me. My productivity is certainly not bottlenecking on how fast my hands move on the keyboard. .
My productivity is bottlenecked by the number of meetings I have to attend, random slack messages that need to be responded to, and distractions IRL.
I’m not going to shame anyone about using a mouse unless you also always right click to copy/paste.
Only because I have figured out how to copy from vim to other apps without the mouse yet.
Nah fuck the haters, the keyboard-only workflow may be technically more productive, just like a Dvorak is better than a QWERTY, but what matters is your output and your quality.
I choose to eschew my mouse when I can because it’s easier. I don’t have to move my arms around as much, and I can work quicker. It’s more comfortable. All of this is a preference thing, why should anyone do something my way if it’s not how they prefer?