16 points
- Male
- Female
- Other
- None
- False
- Undefined
- Null
- Nil
- [Object object]
- 🚹 (The gender formerly known as male.)
- November
- 98°
- Yes, please
[ Click here if you are a conservative and only wish to see male/female ]
In all seriousness though, this is what I did for my contact app (it’s a combobox, so you can type whatever you want in there or pick from the dropdown):
15 points
Tbh gender setting should be like a color picker for rbg
This does limit the amount of genders to 1,073,741,824 if using 30bit rbg, but I’m willing to accept that compromise until someone lists more
6 points
Ruth Bader Ginsburg only made it to 87, I don’t think you need to go up to 30 bits for that.
5 points