I’ve made it through the whole modern Persona series (besides dancing games) and the whole 3DS library. Also Nocturne and SH2.

I don’t play to play the really obscure games like Majin Tensei or Demikids, but something like SMT1,2 or Devil Summoner (is that one translated?) sounds like something I’d still play. So, I’m barely halfway there, and these games were my main focus for a few years now.

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You’ve play more than me, OP!

I still need to play the second P2 game and all the the Raido Kuzunoha games. Actually, I need to replay some ps2 Atlus classics, since it’s been so long! I’m not into Majin Tensei or Demikids either. I jumped over some of the Persona spin-offs as well.

I haven’t bought SH2 yet, does it feel like a Megaten game? I heard mixed opinions…

1 point

I haven’t bought SH2 yet, does it feel like a Megaten game? I heard mixed opinions…

feels like a megaten game with a severe lack of polish. lots of repeated dungeon. on launch the combat was slow as FUCK but they’ve patched in run buttons and animation skips. my biggest gripe beyond that though was the fact that the characters were absolutely fucking terrible. maybe one member of the only cast had any semblance of a personality


Megami Tensei


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This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).

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