We also don’t talk about the fact that the only humans that were saved was a family. Who repopulated the earth.
Like, with Adam and Eve and their offspring, the implication is that they inbred because literally no other humans existed. Still pretty gross, but the second time it happened was just abject laziness on God’s part. Like your omnipotent ass couldn’t have at the very least picked a few more families.
I think I figured the math on the assumption that Noah’s kids brought significant others with and it was technically possible to avoid parent-child pairings so long as each unrelated male female combination was utilized, which is to say they screwed each others wives in addition to their own. Not like the bible gives a fuck about parent child incest babies, that was Lot’s whole character arc.
The animals, on the other hand, those are all shit out of luck.
Slight disagreement. With Adam and Eve it is implied that there were other people about. Which is why Cain complains that if he is cast out someone will murder him. And why it isn’t clear who the males are mating with.
The current understanding is that this was the origin story for those people and they thought pretty much every tribe around them had their own god with their own origin story. Later on retrocons left plot problems.
He just delegated that to Noah. But Noah doesn’t quite have the same air of authority as fucking God, so of course nobody believed him until it started flooding. Even if it wasn’t God who told him about it, like maybe he was just really good at predicting the weather or something, I could see the same thing happening.