It’s the fault of capitalism. In socialist theory, a distinction is (generally, since there are always many schools of thought) made between the Bourgeoisie, basically the ultra rich at the very top like Musk and Bezos, and the Petty Bourgeoisie, which is your average restaurant owner and such. The former is what we refer to when we say things like “down with the Bourgeoisie,” we’re not actually dreaming of sticking the manager of the McDonald’s down the street in a guillotine. The Petty Bourgeoisie are also chained into capitalism like the workers.
Okay deleted my previous comment because this CMV is not really about socialism vs capitalism.
You are technically correct in saying that people not wanting to work because they aren’t paid enough is a capitalism problem, but it doesn’t really change my view on the solution of a land value tax, as it is a capitalist solution that I think only applies to a capitalist system.