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42 points

I just… Don’t believe it. I generally believe there is more going on than nothing but if the US had a spaceship with an alien body then we are really fucking bad at capitalizing on that technology, past the point of believability.

34 points

I believe aliens exist, somewhere in the universe. Statistically it seems inevitable, I just don’t believe they’ve visited earth or even know we exist, just like we don’t know they exist. You can sit on something like that, there would be much better evidence than grainy fake looking videos and second hand accounts.

Earth is a very early stable planet, I’m sure there will be lots more species in the coming billions of years. We might even be the most advanced civilization in the galaxy. But we’ll probably never contact anyone else, best we do is notice signs of life on a distant planet.

3 points

I know this sounds kinda kooky but personally my (completely no basis) guess is that UFOs (in the most convincing video evidence) are some kind of natural phenomenon that exists partially outside of our understanding of physics. If they have some sort of intelligence and they aren’t just random noise, I think they would be so different from us as to be utterly unparsable. If all that is true and they interact with us, their motivations would be similarly unknowable.

I’m depressingly not convinced faster than light travel will ever be possible, especially for humans or human-like organisms…

I’m very interested in them though. I’m very hopeful that studying them seriously might lead to some incredible insights about physics.

3 points

Corridor Crew has debunked the Pentagon videos as camera artifacts and optical illusions:

These guys are filmmakers and really know cameras, optics and VFX so I have confidence in their explanations.

3 points

depressingly not convinced faster than light travel will ever be possible, especially for humans or human-like organisms…

I think you’re right, the only chance we’ll ever have at reaching another habitual world (if we ever even detect one well enough) is with cryogenics and/or colony ships. It’ll take hundreds, possibly thousands of years till we’re at that point thought. Especially when our civilization puts so little into space travel. We should really have a moon base at this point.

-1 points

The NHIs being discussed by Grusch and others have not been stated to be ETs, but rather the current thought is interdimensional.

-5 points

This seems like a very weird view considering the amount of people who have been saying that they communicate telepathically with us.

Could be future humans for all we know.

-10 points

Just so you know, faster-than-light travel is not necessary to explore the stars. With enough constant acceleration (which seems to be achievable with the tech that these craft have demonstrated) you could go pretty much anywhere in the galaxy in your lifetime. The obvious downside is that the further you go, the more time-dilation becomes an issue for everyone else. For example, you may travel ~9 light years to Sirius in a matter of months from your perspective, but 10 years pass for everyone else. Still, if your goal is to explore, I find this to be quite a decent trade-off, and given that we are already making strides in life-extension that time may become a non-issue very quickly.

2 points

Or the universe is a dark forest, where civilizations that reveal themselves get snuffed out by more advanced civilizations so they can’t pose a threat in the future.

I read to much sci-fi.

2 points

I’ve always liked the theory, well more interested as it’s a pretty terrifying concept. I just don’t believe interstellar and lightspeed travel is common/easy enough for aliens to devote so much effort into seeking out life, travelling for hundreds/thousands of years just to destroy any other lifeforms it detects. There’s no benefit to either party really, any resource you could get on a habited planet you could find on a number of uninhabited ones without the massive expense of an intergalactic “war”.

Plus we’ve been sending out signals for years, we should already be dead - unless the aliens are going to take 1000 years to get here. And I don’t see how it’s worth it.

8 points

We’re really bad at a lot of things, despite what we have achieved. Just because you have a piece of material doesn’t mean you can just recreate it. It’s like Newton being handed a CPU. He may even be able to look at the nanoscale structures but he sure as shit can’t recreate it. We’re simply that far behind.

7 points

The other day I heard a great line somewhere: Consider how humans and apes share almost 99% of their DNA. You’ll still have a tough time trying to explain the stock market to them.

4 points

It kinda sounded that people have gotten badly injured trying to reverse engineer this tech. Maybe its simply impossible with our current knowledge. Similar to that native village that build fake planes, fake air-towers and fake headsets after a visit from the modern world.

There was a theory i read a while ago based on some whistleblower reports that pilot and ship where one entity somehow and that the pilot was able to control things inside the ship from wherever they are. Same report also mentioned that spacetime works differently inside and is bigger similar to a Tardis.

I don’t believe this is all true, but if the truth is even slightly similar it comes as no surprise that we have not yet figured out how to replicate it.




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