While I would find an American tiktok ban funny, this satire/article gives me mixed feelings because the “tiktok ban legislation” they’re trying to pass, has some real dystopic shit hidden in it, behind the only slightly dystopic veil of “banning the Chinese”.
While China is definitely a problem to be dealt with, I think it’s become the new “Think of the children!”
As a Canadian, I’m much more concerned with America than China. You guys are much more of a problem for the average earthling.
It’s true. Our house is rotting and the Boomers won’t let anyone but fascists take over.
“These commie Timtoks will drag the kids to hell where they’ll burn with the D&D dungeon masters and the people who hand out free hallucinogens to children!”
-Republican Suburban Hellscape
It’s not about the videos. It’s about the owners having strong ties to the government. Who wants information. If it was the videos they wouldn’t care.
More than that, it seems to validate the Chinese philosophy that censorship is the right way to combat foreign influence. The enforcement mechanisms are pretty obvious follow-ons of the premise, which is why we’ve mostly attempted to avoid this kind of thing. In my mind the marketplace of ideas fallout is the real problem.