“These commie Timtoks will drag the kids to hell where they’ll burn with the D&D dungeon masters and the people who hand out free hallucinogens to children!”
-Republican Suburban Hellscape
It’s not about the videos. It’s about the owners having strong ties to the government. Who wants information. If it was the videos they wouldn’t care.
If we can agree that this is a problem, then all American social media companies should be banned as well, which I’m not entirely opposed to. What people are taking issue with is that this level of logic is only applied against China, and not American companies, which are guilty of the same crimes.
Tbf I think those are all banned/heavily censored to some degree in China. Google maps doesn’t work in China for example.
But when the United States starts doing the same thing it does weaken the narrative that China is some authoritarian hell scape unless people are willing to accept the United States is as well.