I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She’s been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won’t last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?
Plenty of new cars don’t have an obnoxious infotainment screen as well.
maybe list them for OP instead of hinting at their existence.
I mean, I can’t list every one of them? It all depends on if you find a 6 inch screen too big or something Tesla sized.
I know my Ford Maverick and my wife’s Kia Soul are pretty tame with the infotainment system.
just having a couple brands and models to look into is pretty helpful. I know i’m sick to death of massive screens with touchscreen buttons for everything. i drive my step mother’s recent model BMW sometimes and trying to just change the radio station is a chore that involves clicking accept on a screen with a huge disclaimer warning you not to get distracted by the touchscreen while driving before you can even operate it.