The minute there is a Hindeburg II, I’m booking a ticket and getting on it with my tailed tux and top hat.
America murdered everyone on it by refusing to sell the Germans Helium in the past. I’m sure today it will just be corporate greed because Hydrogen is so much cheaper. Same outcome. Get a picture on Wikipedia forever. Win win.
You’d only get the same outcome from using a balloon made out of thermite. If it’s just hydrogen, a leak would flare (if ignited), but it wouldn’t explode until enough oxygen mixes in with the hydrogen (again, if ignited). And something like a nitrogen tank being used to displace the lost hydrogen would prevent that from happening. The main thing would be getting to the ground before buoyancy is lost, but that would also be the case for a breached helium zeppelin.
America murdered everyone on it by refusing to sell the Germans Helium in the past.
I see a lot of people shitting on the US on Lemmy. But this is the first time I’ve seen someone shitting on the US for refusing to sell a military resource to Adolf Hitler.
So what’s your view on the SR71, specifically the titanium sourcing…
Sanctions are good except when I need them?
Idk what that has to do with you claiming that the US murdered people by refusing to sell military resources to Nazi Germany. I have a feeling I don’t even give a shit where you’re coming from so I’m not even going to address it
There’s a lot of people that blocking makes your experience better. I usually block only if their profile shows all comments being same stance tho. Some people’s entire personality is hating America lol
I hate america because of the racism, bigotry and predujice and the fact that some americans are also just plain toxic and / or have a holier-than-thou attitude towards people from different countries
It permanently left a bad stain on america in my mind because when I think of america I can only think of that and that’s why I don’t like american stuff