I was just thinking in the back of my head about how cheap LEDs have made types of lighting that would’ve cost way too much (both to install, and in electricity usage) no longer stupidly expensive.
For example, I noticed on Amazon some cheap furniture that has LEDs/power outlets sort of integrated right into them. Looks pretty cyberpunk-ish to my eyes. And I know years ago that sort of thing would’ve been marked up to high heavens.
Fancy lighting in general has changed drastically in price/design.
So…what are some things, due to changes in demand or changes in tech or changes in anything…that would’ve been really expensive back in the day, but which no longer seem to be, making them more frugal than they used to be?
Along those same lines, I would say LCD monitors and TVs. Obviously they are not “cheap” as in pocket change, but they are an order of magnitude less than when the tech was introduced.
Also computer storage, e.g. SSD drives and SD cards. (Although maybe it’s cheating to cite anything related to Moore’s Law.)
Storage is cheaper than it was before, but it’s still quite expensive. 4TB SSDs are simply out of my budget, and even the higher tier of mechanical drives are really expensive