Screenshot from DS9 - 111 - The Nagus (Laserdisc) really needs to see this. I know he liked one of your other laserdisc captures.
This is truly awesome, and the raw, un-upscaled analogue image data seems like a far better point of departure to reconstruct higher resolution DS9.
I hope he can see this post and thread via my tag to his Mastadon ID.
I have to ask whether you have any Voyager on LD as well…
Thanks, I’ve got an early proof of concept as well, if you guys are interested:
It was deliberately left as unprocessed as possible, so it’s more of a demonstration of what’s there to work with, not what is possible with full reconstruction, and I have since enlisted the help of someone far more masterful than me to take over in that department so any final results will blow this away. One thing I will say is unfortunately the LDs are still plagued with the same source media issues (and are still in 480i format) that the DVDs are, so it’s not a perfect solution, but the digital compression is non-existent, YAY!
As for Voyager LD’s I have about 75% of them, they are incredibly rare and only available from Japan.