Absolutely not. He was claiming to be the King of the Jews. He was literally claiming political power. He wasn’t just saying “hey I’m a super cool religious figure.”
No, you just said something that made no sense and got called on it. That’s not toxic, it’s just clear speech.
There’s a sort of old Twitter esque, “Everything must be challenged and I’ve been having this argument with other people for 4 days straight” energy here, yeah.
As someone who didn’t use Twitter, I would always get in these weird arguments with my friends that were crazily out of proportion. Then when they would cool down later I would predictably learn they were coming fresh off a Twitter debate where everything everyone says is in bad faith.
It’s kinda fun getting that experience now tho, I feel like I missed out a bit!
The argument actually is that he was making a religious argument, his kingdom was of the mind.
There is an effort to make that point: “give to the Roman’s that which is theirs”
A lot of the argument was about the tacit acceptance that the theology of the day dictated how you ought to live and it had been twisted.
The power structure that he was upsetting was that of the ruling Jewish political body because it called their theology into question.
The Roman’s were 100% in charge and didn’t give a fuck he could be the king of the space dolphins as long as they paid their taxes too.
i have amended my statement i guess the way i phrased it made a lot of people upset so i apologize, that was definitely not my intent and still not sure why that happened.
would love to hear your thoughts on my edited statement if you have them :)
It just says “deleted” for me. No worries dude, it’s just an internet argument :P