I dislike cannon contradictions because they are basically headcannon rewrites by the writers ignoring cannon
I understand that mistakes do sometimes happen in writing where they miss a cannon detail but those are mistakes and mistakes aren’t intentional
If someone wants to write a new star trek story there is plenty of rich cannon already there to craft into a story or a new story could be made following trek universe rules to add to the cannon
A lot of what fans think is canon just isn’t anyway. Most so-called ‘violations’ are just different interpretations of what was shown on screen decades ago.
There’s an entire list out there of all the headcanon that fans hold up that just isn’t supported by what’s on screen.
Writers shouldn’t be held to fan interpretations of what they thought they saw in TOS or TNG.
In other words, fans who clearly live in glass canon houses shouldn’t throw stones.
I remember reading a rant on reddit (or something, maybe it was one of those TV Show fact sites) about people who were convinced there was some throwaway line in Voyager that implied you needed matter tanks to store matter for replication.
Turns out the line they were talking about had to do with the matter/anti-matter tanks for the warp drive.
Sometimes fans are just dumb and completely reinterpret canon as whatever they want it to be anyways.
TOS and TNG aren’t even consistent in their own shows. Gene just wrote whatever sriry he wanted to tell and ran with it.