I’m re-watching The Magicians with my wife, since she’s never seen it. It’s been long enough since I watched it last that I don’t remember a lot of things that happened, so there’s a lot of “I forgot got that!” moments for me, which is fun.
Just recently finished rewatching House MD.
Hugh Laurie is ridiculously handsome. Olivia Wilde is beautiful beyond words.
And Jesse Spencer’s hair, by the gods.
All up, the show meandered and was formulaic (by design). Parts of it aged terribly, but was a good rewatch
My SO hadn’t seen House so we’re doing it now. It’s going slow because while it’s a great show, it’s a little too formulaic to be binge-able. We’re in the next to last season now.
I recently finished a Frasier rewatch which actually made me realize I’m not sure I EVER finished the last season. Still a great show but I doubt I’ll watch the reboot.