Good. This girl does more harm to the cause than help. We need less of her and more serious people to change minds.
We need more like her who take the threat as a threat and act like it’s a threat.
Being “serious” or calm about it is not working, and catastrophically so.
Exactly. They’ve come here to troll and look for a fight. Don’t engage them.
She just babbles and has no solution to the problem. She’s addicted to the media attention.
As voters we need to push politicians to make changes and in America that is through taxation and not bans.
Biden has pushed stupid legislation that won’t accomplish anything.
You want to reduce ice cars? Increase gasoline taxes and remove subsidies. Gas would double in price with would reduce the miles people drive and the size of their cars.
The problem is it’s a global problem and everyone needs to pitch it.
Hmm… seems like you should thank her.
Because she participated in that protest, she got arrested, a news source wrote about it, and you got to bring up good points about how we need to take more action.
Yeah she babbles speaks about the issues, but since she’s not (yet?) an elected official, what else would you have her do?
You’re still advocating individual car ownership as a sustainable future…buses, trams, trolleys, LRT, trains. 6000lbs (2200kilos) just to get a few groceries is over kill.
Did you even read the article? That’s literally what they’re calling for. The removal of subsidies.
As for everyone needing to pitch in, just no. The vast majority of emissions come from sources outside public control. The “everyone needs to pitch in” and “watch your personal carbon footprint” crap is just effective marketing from BP.
Not saying cutting down personal emissions is bad, every little helps…
but it’s not a solution. We need to be holding the big emmiters accountable.
The only realistic way to doing that is through inconvenient protests like blocking roads and making sure we can’t be ignored. How else do you force governments to turn on their benefactors?
It’s been over 50 years now, and we’ve seen very little real movement on this. it’s been mostly token and empty gestures, and pandering. It’s time we stepped up our game.
Soooo she’s got the right idea imo
Addicted to the attention? I know nothing about her except her age and her stance on climate change
She doesn’t go off topic, she doesn’t do talk shows. Maybe she loves the attention deep down, but she stays on mission…She doesn’t abuse the privilege. She’s allowed to enjoy the process, I hope she does.
I challenge you to follow your convictions to that extent
She’s a hero, she’s the reason why everyone is talking about climate change - even my kids are trying to make better choices and saying they’ve learned about it because of her, they’ve never heard of you.
Yeah people here make fun of her.
So what changes did your kids make because of her? I’m curious because most her rants are just we are killing people. What actionable item came from her rants ?
They are vegan, they get involved at their school on environmental improvements, they make sure they don’t waste etc. and they make sure to highlight the plight of the future to others.
I honestly don’t know how you can look at Greta Thunberg and underestimate the impact she’s had on public discourse on climate change.
In before trolls have a go at them for being vegan, this very respected recent meta analysis published in science clearly finds that going vegan is the number one thing you can do to help most climate change factors 360 6392 987 - Accepted Manuscript.pdf
You need both.
Some people won’t ever hear anything about the issues until they see some weird kid do these stunts or see that someone their age can have a word in the discussion too.
Others are more likely to pay attention to scientists, the type that read more intellectual literature.
And then there’s those who won’t ever change their mind because they’ve been spoonfed corporate propaganda and thanks to religion and just generally being dumbasses, are perfectly primed to be managed in this way.
Work with legislatures or even boycott a business. You push for actual change that is reasonable and meaningful. Instead of trying to push electric down everyone’s throats, push hybrids. Push plug in hybrids. We have the ability to do that now.
Well, those are two very different things. One is essentially for politicians and basically amounts to “just get Congress to do better” (a whole lot easier said than done) and one is an act that essentially has to be championed by a person or organization and then implemented by a masse of people. Greta has called for boycotts before, so under this definition she’s good under your boat.
I’ve read other comments of yours, and many of them are reasonable (more reasonable than the average user at least) and not worthy of downvotes. But your solutions seem to be missing a few steps between “be where we are now” and “just get everyone to drive a hybrid”.
Don’t worry, I reported your comment. Now we just have to wait for the mods to get off their asses.