Any recommendations, warnings or nice strategies to share?
Had some friends over on Saturday and played a bunch.
Taverns of Tiefenthal is pretty good, although I think noone really had a good grasp of tracking points. We played the base game (module 1) only, looking forward to the advanced modules.
Then we went for a classic round of Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate and got really lucky on the survivor side in terms of both stats and locations. Which is a pretty common thing in this game, I guess.
We ended with a round of Aeon’s End, which started off extremely brutal (the keep was down to 13/30 HP after 3 turns or so), but was fine as we got into the mid and late game.
The Taverns of Tiefenthal modules make the game a much more rounded-out experience. If you are comfortable with the base game I think it’s pretty safe to just throw in the rest all at once, the individual modules are all fairly simple and make sense together. I kinda wish the rulebook was structured as base for first play and then everything else together instead of piecemeal.