Pretty happy with how my homelab is coming along!
How did you get it to connect to your Pi? I’m hitting a lot of issues on that.
I’m running homepage in Docker and my pi is another machine on my network. But the container doesn’t see the Pi at all. Can you provide any insight?
Hey! IM going to post my config below, excuse the formatting if it comes out really messed up, im totally unsure how Lemmy is going to handle this.
- Pihole:
icon: pi-hole.png # This is the icon that will be displayed on the widget
href: Link to your PiHole login # Optional, but makes the widget clickable
description: DNS Server/Ad-Blocker # Description of the service
ping: IP_ADDRESS_PIHOLE # Options, but will ping the host and display latency
type: pihole # This is required by Homepage to define the type of widget
key: REDACTED # This is an API key generated on the PiHole
Here is the link I used for obtaining the API key.
Let me know if you have any issues!
Thanks. I’ve done this (even getting my API key) but the issue I’m running into is the fact that the Docker container doesn’t see the Pi-Hole machine. I believe it’s a networking issue, but I don’t know how to figure out how to get it to see it. Is there a networking flag I need to include in Homepage’s Docker Compose? That seems to be my issue.
Im not sure, I am also running Homepage in a docker container, I am able to connect to my pi-hole just fine. From the information I have, it seems like a networking issue.