Here it’s often junkies stealing expensive meats and cheese to sell. I probably wouldn’t say anything but I don’t really give a shit if they get caught either.
Who is buying expensive meats and cheeses from a junkie? That doesn’t add up.
Have you never been approached by a weird dude at a gas station who is selling “fresh” meat out of a cooler in the trunk of his car?
We live in very different places. (Not sarcasm, this has happened to me about a dozen times)
Other junkies, alkies, people they have debt to. Often used in lieu of money since they’ve already spent it.
It’s a thing. I’ve been (am still) around enough junkies that I’ve had some debts paid in premium meat and cheese. I didn’t even think it might sound weird to some, I’m just so used to it hah.
Huh that’s a trip man I’d never have thought. I guess people are smart enough to understand value versus weight and that shit is some of the highest value per pound at the grocery store.
Saw one get caught here just a couple of weeks back, had a similar thought. Didn’t care that the store was being stolen from, also didn’t care that he got caught. Found it a little funny when he just walked back into the store through a different entrance after he got kicked out and the “loss prevention agent” got all “what did I just tell you?!” Idly hoped that the guy had someone who cares about him in his life trying to help him.