I have been trying to import this sqlite database into mysql or postgresql database. But had been failing. Can anyone help me with this?
I have tried it. Getting this error: The value NIL is not of type STRING when binding STRING
Full error message: DB-CONNECTION-ERROR: Failed to connect to pgsql at “localhost” (port 5432) as user “postgres”: The value NIL is not of type STRING when binding STRING An unhandled error condition has been signalled: Failed to connect to pgsql at “localhost” (port 5432) as user “postgres”: The value NIL is not of type STRING when binding STRING
What I am doing here?
Failed to connect to pgsql at “localhost” (port 5432) as user “postgres”: The value NIL is not of type STRING when binding STRING ___
You need to provide a password in the connection string. https://pgloader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pgloader.html?highlight=password#connection-string