No one said that, you’ve drawn a conclusion not based on the actual words written here.
So then they’re doing exactly what he said we should do, but since the protests undermine Biden’s electoral chances it means they are underestimating the threat of Trump.
If we can’t allow Democrats to ever lose, how exactly do we fight?
By voting in primaries.
There’s more than just the president. Local elections and specifically primaries are what reshape the representative body.
I agree primaries are a great way to influence candidates.
That’s probably why the Democratic party effectively cancelled them this year.
By voting in primaries
You mean like I’ve been doing for 24 years with no measurable effect? And get told that the person I support in the primary isn’t electable so I’m letting the Republicans win?
By voting in primaries AND supporting good candidates down stream, but FIRST we must vote to ensure we will be able to do this. If the young people don’t vote and fuck up their future, it’s their future in the toilet.
By voting in primaries
You’re making an assumption here that if progressives and leftists managed to get decent candidates through the primaries the moderates and liberals who we will still depend on to win general elections will show up to vote for them. That confidence is absolutely baseless.