That sound… As if millions of “muh corrupt DNC” trolls cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced…
Serious question for any leftists here who are voting third party - which candidate do you recommend?
Cornell West and Jill Stein are proponents of helping the Palestinians, so I imagine one of them.
All the other, mainstream, candidates are vocally pro-Israel. Trump and RFK are more pro-Israel than Biden.
My ultimate hope is that Biden grows a spine on this topic, and draws some rules of engagement for Israel if they wish to receive further aid; however, they seem to have the US govt by the balls somehow.
Note: I’m voting Biden.
I really think that he can’t grow a spine on this. I really wish he could. For people that old (like trump) it is difficult to grow out of these old habits. It’s like asking your grand parents to stop calling black people boy cause it’s racist.
They don’t want to understand. Growth is hard. The western world gave Israel a pass for so long because “we didn’t really think the Holocaust was that bad till we got there.” Now they can’t see that Israel grew into a fascist state.
That is why I think we need younger people in charge and it frustrates me about our choice. Still obviously vote for Biden.
I disagree. When people could agree on one third party and that party gets 20% of the popular vote, then it is a direct threat to Democrats power basis. Because then for the next election they could replace the Dems. It is crucial to vote a third party, as it forces the Dems to start caring for the people instead of just their Superpac donors.
Doesn’t change any of the entirely valid complaints about the DNC. They’ve been running on “vote for us because the GOP should scare you shitless” for a good long while now.
They don’t have to do any better than not being as horrible/scary as the other guy and they know it. And the GOP usually gives them an awfully low bar.
It’s this shitty attitude of the DNC that allowed the “genocidal maniac vs genocidal maniac” meme to fester. If you don’t figure out how to take the party away from their hands, you’ll keep running into situations where the DNC and its politicians will keep betraying your expectations with truly horrendous shit, rather than trying to represent their actual voters. Unfortunately far too many Americans have too much Stockholm Syndrome to dare move a finger if they don’t have literally Bernie Sanders running on primaries, which he isn’t going to do anymore due to age.