You’re completely ignoring that PSN isn’t available in most countries, meaning people can’t play the game anymore without breaking ToS. It’s not okay to sell a game in a country, and then change it so players can’t play the game without committing a bannable offense.
Yes it’s annoying, but at the same time everyone else does it and that’s hardly ever causing uproar.
Could you share 3 other cases where access was taken away after a couple of months? I can’t think of a single one.
Literally the start of my post:
aside from the change after months of the release (and apparently the availability on Steam in countries where there’s no PSN?)
Or, worded differently “those two things are bad, but I don’t see the problem with having to use another account, something that most companies do already”
Then what is your question? “Aside from the really bad parts, what’s so about this thing?” doesn’t make much sense.
The point is that, for all I’ve seen (and mind you, it started with the meme above plus a quick search) the big deal was centered around not wanting to make an account, hence my edit mentioning specifically Microsoft accounts for MS games on Steam not causing any stir.
That said, your initial comment made me wonder, and after seeing all AI failing miserably at getting the meaning of my post, I’m thinking that I might have worded it poorly to say the least.