English, C++; Z80, 6502, and 45GS02 assembly, some SQL, VHDL, a bit of Python and Verilog, BASIC65, bash, CP/M ED, and a few other odds and ends
I get that you’re probably joking, but note that calling C++ etc. “languages” is at most synecdoche. A really common one, but still a figure of speech.
(Language has multiple functions; referential, directive, expressive, phatic, metalinguistic, poetic, metalinguistic etc. Those instruction sets used when programming are at best directive speech only, as they’re basically issuing commands to something.)
I am fully aware, I speak nerd and computer.
The computers speak back. It’s a good time.
I might be going insane?
I’m also ripping off being inspired by another comment.
Poe’s law strikes again?
I got that you were probably joking. However, I’ve seen so many times people equating the human systems of communication with the computer instruction sets that… well, sorry for the knee-jerk reaction.
(Last time that I saw someone genuinely thinking that C++, Fortran, Python etc. were the same deal as Mandarin, English, Spanish etc., the muppet in question brought up code comments for an “ackshyually lol lmao”. Yup.)