Keep belittling my principled and consistent opposition to the systematic extermination of entire ethnic, religious, or cultural groups, widely regarded as the ultimate crime greater than any other conceivable crime.
Fucking liberals.
Sure, but the reality of the situation is that the guy running against Biden thinks we’re not killing Palestinians fast enough, while Biden at least verbally condemns Israels extreme response.
Empty words considering his actions, but those actions have been the de-facto response the US Govt. has taken with Israel for over 50 years.
It’s a shit spot to be in, like most things in America, but acting like voting against Biden/democrats will produce anything in progressives favor is extremely naive…to say the least.
You’re absolutely right, which is why most of us act like voting won’t produce anything and is a largely unimportant form of political action.
Well we got here because Republicans have a locked in voting block who votes for them no matter what in primaries/general elections, which has resulted in our slow descent into fascist policies.
There absolutely should be protests and other forms of political action, but progressives constantly finding reasons to abstain from voting is exactly why we’re in the political climate we find ourselves in.
Being present during every election and voting for progressive candidates at the state level is the only way to get us out of this long term. If that wasn’t the case, the fascists wouldn’t be constantly trying to induce apathy by convincing people voting is pointless/rigged.