I can’t figure out which part of this story you doubt so I have to assume you’ve never met a trans person or a Muslim.
Probably that a Muslim can both be open to trans people and wear a hijab at the same time.
Tbh is much easier to reconcile than you’d think.
Stop destroying prejudices against Muslims! How can you show them to be self confident and intelligent people that don’t need a white savior to explain the world to them?
Half of my family is Muslim. I’m currently partnered with the trans alliance in my city to build their new housing co-op… I’m well versed in both sides of this and what’s stated above didn’t happen LoL. It’s a fairytale or as known in the Muslim community… teqqiyah.
This isn’t too far fetched. I recently saw a video of a woman who is Muslim explaining why she personally wouldn’t take her hijab off in front of a trans woman. Which is the opposite of the op story
BUT… it’s obvious that figuring out how trans women fit into their religious beliefs would be a discussion among Muslim women. Just like Christianity, there are going to be different interpretations, person to person even, of what is ok and not. Seems to me like this would actually be a really easy way for a woman to show her support to a friend.
My op was removed LoL. I guess you’re not allowed to introduce reality into these fairytales. Half of my family is Muslim, this is absolutely a fairytale LMFAO.