Just saying that if the LGBTQI+ community doesnt like a word, it very quickly becomes unacceptable to use. But if I dont like a word I get told to suck it up because thats what I am…
“When a marginalized group doesn’t like being called something deliberately hurtful, it becomes unacceptable. But how come no one cares that I don’t like how a word sounds phonetically?? That’s the same!!”
I suppose technically instead of transgender we could use heterogender, meaning we’d say homogender instead of cisgender. The only time you’d use these terms (and similar ones, like AFAB/AMAB) is in specific situations where the nuance distinguishing the two matters.
You don’t have to use the terms either. It’s fully acceptable to just call people men and women, particularly in contexts where their assigned sex doesn’t matter, which I’d wager for most people is pretty much all the time.