Ah yeah, Romneycare with no public option and my friends with kids still can’t afford to actually use the doctor because the deductible is so high.
Soooooo glad that they spent all their political capital on a handout to the insurance companies.
Love it when they just pass Republican legislation and call it a “win” for Democrats.
If my eyes rolled any harder they’d be on the floor.
The ACA was a numbers game so Democrats could pat themselves on the back at the number of “insured” people ignoring whether or not that “insurance” actually got those people access to medical care. “Insured” means nothing if you can’t use it.
But good for them for being able to point at some numbers and pat each other on the back for a “job well done” I guess?
The ACA has helped the insanely destitute (in states that even use it, so not everywhere), but it has not helped the general US public nor even come close to solving the medical insurance crisis and high cost of medical care crisis.
But tell me more about how we’re supposed to be so happy for half-assed plans copied from Republicans.
ACA killed “Pre Existing conditions”, allowed children to stay on parent’s insurance until 25. It eliminated lifetime coverage limits, and expanded Medicare access to millions of people.
Keep patting yourself on the back. I’m sure it will suddenly make healthcare affordable somehow.
It’s not like medical bills continue to be the number one reason for bankruptcy or anything.
I found a photo of you: