You brought up wages and employment insurance, though?
I asked about your usage of the quotation marks because it seems like you feel like my beliefs are less then.
This is totally bringing me back to my Reddit days, so thank you for that!
You brought up wages and employment insurance, though?
Gee, those memory problems seem to be getting worse. Seems pretty foolish to have gambled on not getting health insurance when you appear to be in such need.
I asked about your usage of the quotation marks because it seems like you feel like my beliefs are less then.
A straw man and deflection. Your insecurities about your “beliefs” has nothing to do with health insurance.
This is totally bringing me back to my Reddit days, so thank you for that!
Yeah, people here usually don’t use so many obvious logical fallacies and circular arguments like you do. Most people know better.
You’re gambling that there’s someone willing to pay that amount for your labor. The stakes? Your financial security.
This was you bringing up wages before the cherry-picked comment.
And Here you are bringing it up first in the very comment I was replying to.
Now who’s cherry picking? Or is it just your severe memory problems again?