You lashing out with personal attacks when met with facts that debunk your beliefs is not the fault of others. And when you falsely perceive others as feeling the “anguish” (the word you chose) that you, yourself, feel in these moments, that’s psychological projection.
Nobody else is to blame for your inability to process rejection and the upending of your “beliefs” in a healthy manner; it’s yours and yours alone. Too bad you gambled your health and well-being on not getting health insurance, or you’d be able to work through such difficult emotions with a therapist.
You haven’t been able to debunk a single belief of mine so far so I haven’t had anything to lash out about.
And the amnesia strikes again…
Convenient how that only happens when you have no rational, evidence-based response.
Or, perhaps, it’s another thing that psychologists refer to as “denial”…
It’s mostly because what you say aligns with your beliefs but not mine so they aren’t as effective towards me as you’d like to believe.