From Up First:
Disturbing description of violence against children
[A witness] says he found one kid with his stomach sliced and his intestines out. Another child had been decapitated. He also said he saw children in body parts.
Decapitating, because there isn’t evidence of intent. Just phenomenally cruel and negligent dropping a bomb anywhere near civilians, especially at that density. Then again, I suppose intent gets fuzzy given how foreseeable something like this was.
I don’t think intent is required. Behead’s definition says “cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution.” The especially part means it isn’t exclusive to that.
Both Be-head and De-capit(ate) = Off-head
Right, and the one kid wasn’t disemboweled, they had spontaneous oopsy-doodles-guts-all-noodles, and the other wasn’t dismembered, they went red-rover-red-rover-your-limbs-are-all-over.