It’s all up to personal interpretation, of course!
I think neutrals only listen to their heart, whereas chaotic characters actually specifically hate the law. Demons are chaotic, not because they’re passionate, but because they oppose order and morals and rules.
A neutral character only considers the law when thinking about consequences. A chaotic character always considers the law because fuck the police I won’t do what you tell me!
I agree, everybody is entitled to their own opinions on this - plus at the end of the day, as long as the table you’re on is on the same page, you’re good no matter what anyone else thinks.
So how would your interpretation cover chaotic good?
Chaotic evil in your mind is basically a murderhobo that kills and destroy because fuck society and fuck the rules, but a good person wouldn’t want to kill and destroy just to spite the rules no?
I think the epitome of chaotic good would basically be a radical that wants to dethrone all gods and all kings. While they certainly hate rules and laws they wouldn’t want to necessarily kill and destroy just to spite them, because they’re still good. Good and evil alignment still matters in that case. They’d still definitely enjoy whenever they get the chance to break the law for a good cause.