Via Berkeley Mews
When is the last time a third party got anywhere close to victory in a presidential election? I don’t think they’ve broken 7% of votes in decades and decades. There is zero indication that would change so what are you talking about?
You ever stop and ask yourself why no other party or candidate stands a chance? It could perhaps be the decades of mental conditioning that has locked the working class into an infinite loop of “vote blue no matter who” and “let’s go Brandon” dipshittery, coupled with every propped up candidate being a corporate warmongering shill. It’s pay to play or piss off. It’s just wild to me that some people refuse to see it from their comfortable neolib and conservative bubbles.
I don’t have to wonder about the concept of inertia. We can see it everywhere. I also don’t wonder about whether or not I can defy it just by thinking happy thoughts and pissing my vote into the wind
I don’t care how people vote. It’s their choice and I’m not going to tell them otherwise. But I’m also going to be realistic about who these people truly are, and acknowledge the facts. The US isn’t a democracy.