Series Finale. Trapped inside a mysterious alien portal that defies familiar rules of time, space, and gravity, Captain Burnham must fight Moll – and the environment itself – in order to locate the Progenitors’ technology and secure it for the Federation. Meanwhile, Book puts himself in harm’s way to help Burnham survive and Rayner leads the U.S.S. Discovery in an epic winner-takes-all battle against Breen forces.
Written by: Kyle Jarrow & Michelle Paradise
Directed by: Olatunde Osunsanmi
The whole reason they came to the future was that Discovery’s computer couldn’t be disabled or removed after merging with the Sphere data and becoming Zora. So (she?) is always online and conscious. She spent almost a thousand years alone before Craft’s arrival. At the time, I could have accepted some disaster that forced the crew to evacuate (or killed them all) and Discovery became lost, with a final order to hold position. But for Starfleet to intentionally put the ship (from which Zora cannot be separated) in deep space and abandon it, I cannot interpret as anything except cruelty.
Whoops, fixed a typo in my comment.
What I’m trying to say is, I don’t think it can be called cruelty if Zora, in her capacity as an artificial intelligence, doesn’t mind. It may not be accurate to assume she will react in the way a human would.
Clearly, adherence to duty is important to Zora. She was ordered to remain in position and so she did. Nothing indicates that she didn’t mind, only that her sense of duty outweighed whatever her feelings were. I read her interactions with Craft as belying incredible loneliness.