This shit has seriously gone on too long. People who continue to cling to the “10,000 dead crushed by tanks hosed i to the gutter” bs are cranks. It’s jews control the banks, chemtrails, the earth is flat, the moon isn’t real level of crank shit and unless you’re feeling very indulgent and someone is asking in good faith it can be dismissed as equally serious to that kind of crank shit.
We know basically nothing about him or the other civilians involved from what I understand.
Yeah, afaik Tank Man has never been identified.
I wish I could speak Chinese because I’d love to know what Baidu think’s about the annual Western June 4th Freakout.
Yeah, afaik Tank Man has never been identified.
Yep. PBS Frontline did an entire episode on the great mystery of “what happened to Tank Man” replete with cringe liberalisms like “what happened to the hOpE fOr dEmOcRaCy in China?!?” and how he “stood for the ordinary people!”