this rootless Python script rips Windows Recall’s screenshots and SQLite database of OCRed text and allows you to search them.
It happens the same on android for some reason
Like 5-8 years ago the google assistant app was able to select and copy text from any app when invoked, I think it was called “now on tap”. Then because they’re google and they’re contractually obligated to remove features after some time, they removed this from the google app and integrated it in the pixel app switcher (and who cares if 99% of android users aren’t using a pixel, they say). The new implementation sucks, as it does ocr instead of just accessing the raw text…
It only works fine with us English and not with other languages. But maybe it’s ok as it seems that google’s development style is us-centric
Now on Tap also used OCR. Both Google Lens and Now on Tap get the same bullshit results on any languages that are not Latin. Literally, Ж gets read as >|< by both exactly the same.
They changed it, in the beginning it was using the text and not ocr
For example this app could be set as assistant and get the raw text
But only the app set on system as assistant can do it
I was very disappointed when they changed it around 2018 as it produced garbage in my language when it was working so good…