She’s being extra vapid the last couple of days and I don’t know if it’s a hangover from pretending she’s just one of the SI Model Crew or if it’s real. She doesn’t know how to figure out if she’s been a mother more than half her life. Really? Can’t figure out that when the child is the age she was when she had her then the child is half her age? Not that hard.
I find she’s getting worse with every passing day. She doesn’t even try to hide her filters and looks so different from the SI Geddy Image pics - We should put some of the side by sides up here
The footage from this morning is alllll kinds of size 2. Not even trying to be sneaky anymore.
This one? Do you think the workers wonder why there’s a mirror in the middle of their job site? It must pose a huge hazard - shattered glass and all that. Or, do you think she drags the mirror into the room every time she wants to take her selfies. It’s her security mirror.
This and the following one where she’s sitting in the car. It’s like she had bones removed. Lol
It’s so bizarre too because her naturally square face is so much more attractive, and she looks much healthier with her non filtered fuller body. I find the thinning filters make her look a bit sickly because she’s going overboard with them now and it’s looking completely disproportionate.
Agreed! I think she actually looked gorgeous in the runway pics. But the person on the runway looked like a mid-size 40 year old mother with a square face. The character she plays on the internet is a tiny 22 year old bobblehead with a pointy chin, who sometimes has kids when they make good content. I could respect her if she showed up as that runway model everyday, but she doesn’t, and it’s so gross to lie about it.
You nailed it! I would have had respect for her if she showed up everyday looking like she did on that runway but because she doesn’t and messes with people’s minds I have less than zero respect for her and find her devoid of any beauty. I look at her face and just see someone calculating and manipulative. She wears a sack cloth for television appearances FFS!