I thought I’d create a post where we can discuss our theories! Here’s mine…
I think when she met with the law firm to convince them to send Janette the cease and desist letter she also got advice on how to shut down her rapidly growing snark page. She knows that the two are interconnected and Janette is getting most of her information from Reddit snarkers/former “fans”. This TERRIFIES her as she knows the truth will eventually come out.
I don’t think Knix or SI had anything to do with it, nor do I think Reddit cares about a nobody from Canada. I think she either 1. Reported based on a (likely exaggerated) violation that she knew Reddit would take seriously or 2. Had her cronies overwhelm the reporting system in a short amount of time. I think the latter is more likely, or at least in combination with 1.
I also don’t think the fact that Reddit is rapidly removing similar subs is related. I think they have tagged keywords that lead to subs automatically being removed, or can somehow see when former sub members congregate elsewhere (even completely private subs are being removed). For this reason I think we need to be careful when commenting about TBP on other influencer snark subs.
Thoughts? I probably didn’t share anything new here but ranged to get it out! Regardless of what happens, SNL will not win as the cat is already out of the bag and it’s the only reason she’s doubling down so hard.
I’m going with the lawyer theory and mass reporting. I think when Reddit started being brought up more and more on IG people started reporting? I like to know what’s up with the down voting here though. Is it the same handful of people who are feeling the need?
Hey, welcome to Lemmy, please enjoy your stay.
You may find you or users here in general get downvoted more often in the comments than over in Reddit. We don’t have any vote fuzzing algorithms, and some client interfaces by default don’t hide scores below a threshold which can cause bandwagoning. Also, many people have strong convictions/opinions over your average internet user, which is kinda the reason why we’re here to begin with (and you may be as well). Comment karma means nothing here, just take it in stride.
You don’t have to agree with everybody. All I ask is you that you help make this a place that is fun and interesting to discuss with people who have the some of the same and some different ideas than you, and so please report trolls, spammers and intentional flamebait. Thanks.
There’s immediately 3 down votes every new thread. I’m gonna guess they are 1. Sarah 2. Alicia and 3. the neighbor lol
One of the more regular lemmy users commented above that our posts are showing up on the home feed so maybe that’s why.
Downvotes can be seen by the site admins. Feel free to ping @mp3@lemmy.ca if you think you are being brigaded
It was definitely the mass reporting. The original Toronto Snark page got banned for a massive amount of Copyright reports. I think they (they being the group of 4 that is the main focus) all banded together to mass report and then the page was gone. If there was a huge influx of harassment reports on the papaya page they probably just decided to ban it, not investigation or warnings. It’s like the Reddit loophole you can use to get rid of pages that you don’t like.
Edit to add: It is weird though because brigading of any kind is against Reddit’s terms and they were definitely brigading.