The fact that he was offered Kolinahr probably helped a bit.
The fact that he rejected it probably hurt a lot more:-P.
The fact he rejected it in part because (per the novelization) he felt Kirk’s thoughts across who knows how many light years, and he was wishing Spock was there. That’s love, baby 🥹 Don’t get me started on “t’hy’la”!
Yeah iirc the movie turned that whole arc into merely about sensing the “pure logic” from Veger or sth, but the book went into way more depth, it is a really good read. Also, no matter how sexual you think Kirk is, it’s 10x more than that - that horn dog beats Riker levels even, and he even made it work in higher additional planes, like intellectual. Riker wishes he had a third of that sexual magnetism in his brain:-D. And wrapping back to what you said, Spock managed to notice his friend’s thoughts from several parsecs away…