You were looking for this one, right?
I mean, probably not originally, but now you’re looking at it!? :-D
Oh yeah and your choice was indeed a lot more funny than his explorer clothes:-)
Wasn’t there another outfit that he wore in another episode? I was looking too but couldn’t find something easily that made him resemble Indiana Jones, so I included the latter one there just b/c it was nearby from the other one in case others had such troubles as well:-).
I guess there’s this but that’s definitely not what I was trying to remember:
So maybe it was the Risa episode after all…
The risa one is the only I can think of, unless there’s some holodeck episode that I’m forgetting.
Rom is always with us, in our hearts:-)
(Don’t even think about disagreeing with that statement, or people will My Child you into oblivion!:-P j/k, you can think whatever you want, but why would you want to - he deserves all of our love, b/c he loves his Moogie!:-D)