Bonus question: what game would you consider as COMMUNIST as disco elysium?
I don’t know man, the gnomish conspiracy still wigs me out. The fact that they made antisemitism correct in this game is a choice.
I don’t think they “made antisemitism correct”, but I admit the game is strongly based on generic fantasy tropes of the time, and they do fail to scrutinise the problematic part of gnome tropes. That minor part could’ve been handled more tastefully.
Still, almost every race in that game is shown to partake in exploitative conspiracies. It’s a largely equal-opportunity conspiracyscape.
The protocols of the elders of zion are literally true except worse in the game. It’s by no means equal. The gnomes are fully in a conspiracy that fully runs the industrialized world, and to maintain their power they engage in stuff that is right out of an antisemitic pamphlet.
The elves are not a stand in for an ethnic group for which they inhabit all the worst stereotypes. The closest is a read of the orcs as stand ins for exploited ethnic groups under capitalism and colonialism, which given the orcish depiction as stupid but strong is itself racist. But at least the Orcs aren’t universally evil.
I don’t really know how to respond to this, other than that I disagree. I do not see the link.