Playing the switch version, about 8 in game days in, doing some crops but not sure what else I should be doing, mainly interacting with other characters. What advice can you give me?
Have fun and do whatever you want!
It’s a very chill game, but you can make it as stressful as you want by trying to do everything.
There’s no time limit, you can play for as many years as you want, so don’t stress and try and get everything done as fast as possible (unless that’s fun for you).
How does the friendship mechanic work? Does it need specific times? Just talking isn’t doing anything.
But yea, been focusing on farming mostly.
Talking gives a very small friendship bonus, almost non noticable, but it does a tiny bit. The key is giving gifts. You can talk to anyone while holding anything, and you will give them the thing you’re holding as a gift. Each person likes different things, and will respond if they like it or not. You can track who likes what by clicking on their profile in the social tab ( ❤️ icon). It’ll track what items you gave them and what their feelings on it were.
Also there are items you can discover, and also conversations with others that will clue you in to what some people like.