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Correct! It’s a disturbingly large proportion. Some medications absolutely require one, and people who just drove up will tell you they didn’t bring any form of ID whatsoever.
In my state you aren’t required to have your license with you while driving. You just have to provide it within 24 hours of getting pulled over, etc.
I read that in Alabama (or maybe Mississippi, I can’t recall) you can drink alcohol while driving. You just can’t be above the blood alcohol concentration limit.
I’m the UK England and Wales you can’t be required to carry ID at all.
If the police ask you for them, you have 7 days to present them at a police station.
(Edit: really not sure it extends to Scotland where such laws often vary, and pretty sure it doesn’t apply to NI, where they vary even more, especially on driving/licensing, so UK was inaccurate)